KYBG Kickstarter Spotlight

KYBG Kickstarter Spotlight


Monday, January 4, 2016


Tonight my wife and I played Zombies!!! It's one of my all time favorite games and I have to admit, I don't get to play it as much as I'd like to. With it we also used the Zombies!!! 2 expansion. It's a military one and it's been on my wishlist for about 10 years now. This year my wife surprised me with it for the holidays and I've been eager to try it ever since.

So, After a little brushing up on the rules and checking out the rules for the expansion we decided our goal would be to try and be the first player to get 25 kills to win.

After some grueling competition I was able to come out the victor (Which, nothing against my wife but this is MY game. I would have been a little internally pissed at myself if I didn't win, lol! )

But seriously, I had a blast playing and would have had a blast whether I won OR lost. This is just one of those games I will always love no matter what. That being said, Unfortunately I didn't think to grab pictures of the gameplay :/

However, I DID record the session from above in a time lapse :)

As always, thank you for reading! And if you have any suggestions of games to play for our resolution feel free to leave them in the comments :)

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