What's going on everyone!? It's been an EXTREMELY busy weekend as well as it will be busy tomorrow with all kinds of appointments for my wife and myself. Then we have "Open House" for our daughter since it'll be her first year in middle school!
Tonight for the "Game a Day" challenge my lovely wife, beautiful daughter, dear 'ol pops and I played an awesome game called Thwarted by Vile Genius Games which you can check ON KICKSTARTER HERE! It only has a couple days left and admittedly I've not had a chance to get the review posted up as soon as I'd hoped with all the stuff going on. Be on the look out for that tomorrow though as it will be up as SOON as I get a chance!
The game is amazing and simple. It's a great laugh for all who play and it's plenty of fun. Tonight, dear 'ol pops ended up taking home the win and it was his first time playing!
Here are a few pics from tonight's session:
As always, thank you for reading and don't forget to stop and smell the meeples! :)
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