KYBG Kickstarter Spotlight

KYBG Kickstarter Spotlight


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Big Day...

What's going on everyone!? Well, tomorrow is the big day for my dear ol' pops to go in for his heart surgery. It's a scary time but I'm hoping the best as it's all I can do. Tonight we are spending the night at his house so that we can be there with him at the hospital tomorrow.

Because of this, you can imagine I brought quite a few games with us to play here and at the hospital to keep him company. Tonight we played some Yahtzee with the AWESOME PALADIN'S KEEP which you can check out on kickstarter right now HERE! I can not stress enough how awesome and convenient this thing is!

It was a great game and surprisingly I actually won!

Here are a few pics from tonight's session:

As always, thank you for reading and don't forget to stop and smell the meeples! :)

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