KYBG Kickstarter Spotlight

KYBG Kickstarter Spotlight


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Strikes and Sirens

What's going on everyone!? Today has been a LONG day! It started off with me on my way to an appointment when all of the sudden my dear ol' pops fell ill and we had to call 911. After a very short wait in a parking lot he was picked up and had an ambulance ride to the hospital.

I'm glad to say that he seems fine now but it's always a huge scare when anything like this happens. Because we can lose him at any moment due to a bad heart it can mean that any particular moment could very well be his last.

On our way back from my appointment, for the "Game a Day" challenge my beautiful daughter and I played some Bowling with Dice. After what was a pretty hectic trip she ended up getting the win on the way home and I couldn't be more proud!

All in all today was a very stressful one but I'm very glad to have everyone of us safe and sound at home for the night.

Here are a few pics from today's session:

As always, thank you for reading and don't forget to stop and smell the meeples! :)

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