KYBG Kickstarter Spotlight

KYBG Kickstarter Spotlight


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Dice, Dad's and Daughter!

What's going on everyone!?

Today for the 2x Game a Day Challenge my beautiful daughter, dear ol' pops and I had some fun playing some great games!

First up was Sushi Go to get dear ol' pops in the mindset. The three of us played this a LOT together when we were in the hospital for Zelda's birth. It was a VERY close game between the two of them with Trinity winning by just ONE POINT over dear ol' pops!

Next up was some Jenga fun with a version that he hasn't played called "Throw 'n Go". We all had a great time playing this one and really were getting the tower up there but it had to happen sometime and it did... On Trinity's turn!

It was still a fun game and one that I can see us having a lot of fun with if my lovely wife gets the chance!

As always, thank you for reading and don't forget to stop and smell the meeples! :)

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