What's going on everyone!?
Tonight for the GaD Challenge I was able to get the whole family together to play some Macroscope and King of Tokyo!
Tonight for the GaD Challenge I was able to get the whole family together to play some Macroscope and King of Tokyo!
We started with Macroscope which is a fun little guessing game where you slowly remove areas that show what the hidden object is. Dear ol' pops ended up being the winner of that one which was awesome to see happen!
Next up we played some King of Tokyo which was also a GREAT time. The game was going great with some tough competition but then, out of nowhere, my lovely wife took both dear ol' pops and myself out of the game! Before you knew it, our beautiful daughter ended up taking her out though and stole the win!
As always, thank you for reading and don't forget to stop and smell the meeples! :)
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