What's going on everyone!? I can't believe it's been a year ago today
that I first started this blog! It's been a wild ride to say the least
and I'm happy to announce that I successfully completed my #gameaday
challenge for the entire year of 2016.
Now the question is... What next? What would YOU like to see?
going to be tough acclimating to a life of NOT playing a game every day
but as much as I'd like to continue doing this for yet another year I
feel like my family would kill me if I did..lol.
After all, this
was an experiment to see if it would help combat my depression as well
as other problems and get my family and I closer to each other by
essentially "forcing" us to sit around the table and play a game every
I feel like in those ways and more it was a success. I can
honestly say that it DID help with my depression, social anxiety and
other problems and it DID get me closer to my family than ever before.
It also got me out of the house and in places that I would normally have
never gone because I'm uncomfortable in the public.
The scary
part is knowing that it has all come to an end. Sure we can still play
games (and definitely will!) but it won't be the same since it's not
something that is "required" so to speak.
I would like to try
and get a weekly or bi-weekly gaming group together locally at the
library but being that I cannot drive might make that a bit of a
challenge. My lovely wife may not want to attend every time and that
means that she may not want to DRIVE every time.
So I think for
now, one of the things I will do is focus on my reviews and continue to
bring you content and news as I can. On top of this I'll also be
starting to share some miniature painting.
Here is a list of things you will start to see in place of my #gameaday challenge;
1) Reviews (I've got quite a few things that I'm excited to share!)
2) News and Content as it's available
3) Miniature Painting
Podcast! (That's right, now you'll be able to hear me as well as read
my stuff! I'll be posting exclusively on podbean which is an android
app. Should it start to pick up and people want, I'll look into other
hosting services for my podcast. Keep in mind though, this will be a low
budget, unedited recording that is done with my tablet.)
I may
not post every day since I won't be playing a game every day now but I'm
not sure. Part of my life is posting to this blog and talking to the
hundreds of thousands of people out there who are listening.
there you have it folks! I think that's going to be the layout for this
year. I'm sure it may be a bit sporadic at first and things may change
as time goes on but for the time being please know that I will be doing
my best to keep myself going. I do this not only as a sort of public
service but honestly, to help myself cope with my problems.
of you readers out there help me whether you know it or not and I would
like to personally thank all of you out there for everything you may
have done. For all the support and emails you have given. For you just
being a part of my life. You help me and I would be honored to one day
do the same for you if I ever can!
So to start this year off I'd
like to share a few pics of miniatures that I've recently been working

You may have seen them on facebook or my instagram and if so, I
thank you for checking them out again as well as following me on those
As always, thank you for reading and don't forget to stop and smell the meeples! :)