KYBG Kickstarter Spotlight

KYBG Kickstarter Spotlight


Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Another Space Saga

What's going on everyone!?

Today for the #2019gameaday challenge my lovely wife and I played some Star Realms and Star Realms: Colony Wars.

In the first game Sam completely kicked my butt as usual. I love her and all but my usual win average is something like 1 in 10 against her, lol!

Next up I grabbed Colony Wars just for a fun second game. To my surprise I actually won! So this surely meant that it must of been my 1 out of 10 to win!

Unfortunately we didnt get to play any other matches as the time was getting a bit late for her and Zelda but I can't wait to play again. It's always an enjoyable time playing games with my better half.

As always, thank you for reading and don't forget to stop and smell the meeples! :)


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